Vitamin D is critical in keeping us healthy, yet data show many are lacking in this essential nutrient. Surveys show more than 80% of kids and about 95% of adults don’t get the recommended daily amount of vitamin D.
Like other nutrients, vitamin D is in some foods, and we also synthesize the vitamin when our skin gets exposed to the sun. Vitamin D builds strong bones, stabilizes our moods, and even helps us fight off illness. When our levels are low, our health can suffer.
At beYOU bioidenticals, our team helps replenish and maintain vitamin D levels with vitamin injections designed to provide cells with the nutrients they need for optimal function. Here, learn four possible signs of vitamin D deficiency to help you seek treatment as soon as possible.
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy bones. Severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to a problem called rickets, making bones soft and weak. While that level of deficiency is rare, milder forms of deficiency can still lead to bone pain and pain or weakness in your muscles.
Vitamin D also is a factor in nerve health. If your vitamin D levels are low, you may have other symptoms, like tingling or numbness in your hands or feet. Low vitamin D levels can also disrupt normal pain signaling pathways, potentially making you extra sensitive to pain. Research shows people with low vitamin D levels are also more likely to experience chronic pain, including pain from arthritis.
Vitamin D also plays a role in your immune system, modulating your immune response, reducing inflammation, and helping your body fight off germs that can cause acute and chronic diseases. If you’re getting sick more frequently or your illness seems more severe than usual, it could be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency.
Research shows vitamin D can also help people suffering from autoimmune diseases, where disease-fighting immune cells attack healthy tissue instead of “bad” germs. One recent randomized trial showed regular vitamin D supplementation helped reduce the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.
In addition to its effects on physical health, vitamin D deficiency can affect mood and emotional health. Research shows low vitamin D levels are associated with increased risks of depression and anxiety, along with a higher incidence of schizophrenia.
Low vitamin D levels are also associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition that causes depression, sadness, and related symptoms during the fall and winter. Researchers think this association is related to lower levels of sunshine, making it harder for your body to produce vitamin D naturally through sun exposure.
Most of us lead busy lifestyles, and many aren’t getting the sleep needed to feel rested. That means it’s easy to ignore feelings of fatigue or to write them off as lifestyle-related symptoms.
However, low vitamin D levels are a surprisingly common cause of persistent fatigue. That’s because vitamin D helps regulate our sleep patterns, and includes chemicals that help us relax and stay rested. Research shows people with low levels of vitamin D experience less fatigue when their vitamin D intake gets supplemented.
Vitamin D is in some foods, but the variety of foods containing high amounts is limited. Many foods — like cereals and milk — are fortified with vitamin D to help people maintain healthy levels.
Vitamin injections provide another more precise and predictable supplementation than fortified foods. That’s because, during your therapy, we tailor your injections to your needs, optimizing your dose to help you stay healthy.
To learn more about vitamin injections and how they can impact your health and wellness routine, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at beYOU bioidenticals in Leawood, Kansas, today.