
5 Signs You May Be Suffering from Low Testosterone Levels

Feb 05, 2024
5 Signs You May Be Suffering from Low Testosterone Levels

If you think low testosterone is something that ”only” affects older men, think again — it can affect men in their 20s and 30s, too. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you get treatment soon. Here are five to look for.

Low testosterone (or low T) is a common problem that affects millions of men, and is becoming even more common with age. Some data suggests as many as 40% of men suffer from low testosterone, including many who are undiagnosed.

While many people think of testosterone solely in terms of its role in sexual health, this hormone plays a significant role in your overall health and wellness. Learning to identify the most common symptoms associated with low testosterone can help you seek treatment to feel your best.

At beYOU bioidenticals in Leawood, Kansas, our team helps patients maintain optimal health as they age with bioidentical testosterone therapy tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Here, learn five common symptoms associated with low testosterone to help you seek early intervention.

1. Low libido

One of the most noticeable — yet often ignored — symptoms of low testosterone is a decline in sexual desire. This decline can be subtle, occurring slowly over time. As a result, many men accept the change as a “normal” part of getting older. 

Low libido can occur as a direct consequence of a decline in testosterone levels, taking a toll on your sex life and your quality of life. Just as importantly, the drop in libido can take a toll on your partner’s life, too, and on your relationship overall. 

A decline in libido may not seem like a big deal, especially in a long-term relationship, but it can have an impact. Research shows having a healthy sex life plays a critical role in maintaining affection and feelings of well-being within a relationship. 

2. Brain fog

Problems focusing or concentrating are often associated with menopause, but a decline in testosterone can take a toll on cognitive function, too. People with low T are more likely to have issues with memory.

Brain fog can have an impact on your workplace activities, as well as interactions with friends and family members. It’s important to note that while low testosterone is a common source of cognitive issues, other problems can cause similar symptoms. Early evaluation of these symptoms is essential for getting appropriate care.

3. Mood changes

Testosterone doesn’t just affect sexual health; it affects your moods, too. Many men with low testosterone experience increased feelings of sadness, irritability, and depression that can take a toll on their relationships and even their work. 

Mood changes can affect a man’s diet and physical activity, making it harder to get a good night’s sleep. Changes in libido and erectile issues can also contribute to mood changes.

4. Changes in muscle and fat

Men (and women) tend to put on more weight once middle age approaches, and it can be harder to lose weight, too. While lots of factors contribute to weight gain, many men don’t realize the role testosterone can play.

When testosterone levels drop, it’s harder for your body to burn off calories, meaning more calories accumulate as fat, especially in the belly area. At the same time, the decline in testosterone causes a loss of muscle mass, which means your body is even less able to burn off fat stores. 

5. Fatigue

Testosterone also helps maintain energy levels. When you have low T, it’s easy to start feeling tired and worn down. Unfortunately, this symptom gets ignored or written off as a “normal” part of aging.

If you have low testosterone, you tend to feel tired more often and spend more time napping. Your quality of sleep may also decline, which means even though you’re sleeping more, you’re not feeling rested.

Do not ignore your low T symptoms

With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, there’s no need to suffer from the effects of low testosterone. To learn how we can help, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at beYOU bioidenticals today.